Do I need to understand finance to get the most out of the Money Master Guide?
Answer: Not at all! The Money Master Guide was designed with you in mind. This product was crafted to take anyone who cares about understanding money and what to do with theirs through simple steps to quickly and easily put all of their primary financial data right in front of them in a clear and understandable way.
What happens after I purchase the Money Master Guide?
Answer: You will immediately receive the Money Master Guide with notes in the guide that walk you through putting your Financial Budget, Net-Worth, Business Finances, and Retirement Projections together. You will also receive an example copy to show you how it will look once you have spent 30-45 minutes following the prompts.
Do I have to pay anything to keep the Money Master Guide after I buy it?
Answer: No. After purchasing the Money Master Guide, you will own it on either Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets (Depending on your selection). There are no subscriptions to constantly pay, no hidden fees, and no way for Captain Your Money to interfere with your Money Master Guide. We want you to succeed in your financial growth and have made everything simple and easy for you.
Will anyone have access to my financial data?
Answer: Only you and whomever you share the Money Master Guide with will have access to your information. No one at Captain Your Money will have the ability to access your financial information. This has been done intentionally so you can feel secure about the privacy of your information. We operate based on Trust, Integrity, and Honesty.
Is the Money Master Guide Expensive?
Answer: The Money Master Guide is currently marked down to $100 or four $25 interest free payments to allow people who are negatively affected by the uncertain market to have access to this life-changing opportunity. This price reduction is also in place to reward the action takers who waste no time in bettering themselves.
It will be far more expensive to pay a 1% commission to a financial advisor, to hire a financial consultant for several thousands of dollars, or to continue operating your life & business without financial clarity and the ability to hold yourself accountable.
What do I do with the Money Master Guide?
Answer: Follow the simple step-by-step prompts and the Money Master Guide will calculate everything for you. After spending less than an hour following the prompts you will be looking at your Current Financial Picture, Net-Worth, Business Net Profit (or projected profit of your business idea) and your Projected Retirement Account(s) at the age you plan to retire.
At the beginning of each month, we suggest you spend 20-30 minutes inputting the figures for that month and compare the results to find room from improvement, to grow your income, cut costs, and enhance your financial position for the month ahead.